Luci was still running up the stairs in her mind, but in reality, she was running across the drug lab. She ran straight into a lab table. The impact pulled her out of the memory.
Beneath her feet, she noticed the crack on the floor. It had grown, and it was growing visibly as she stared at it. She looked around the room and realized that William and Owen were both back from their memories too. Aaronson was not far behind Luci, he had been trying to spot her as she darted across the room before waking up.
“Where were you this time?”, Aaronson asked. Luci explained that first they were in a corridor, then they went down to the East Entrance Lobby, and from there she gained access to a security terminal where she saw Aaronson running down a hall towards the Cooler.
Before Aaronson could respond, Luci asked him, “What were you really trying to accomplish down there?”
“I've told you this already,” Aaronson replied, “I was trying to shut the program down, to end it for good.” Aaronson continued, “It started with deleting the data, but I needed to remove all physical traces of C-1011 as well. That's why I needed to be in the Cooler. That's why I needed to vent the chemical.”
“Who you running from?” Luci questioned him. Aaronson told her that he was running from Jackson, herself, Owen, and William. Luci was confused and Aaronson could tell from her face. He continued saying, “You were there every step of the way, you're the one who locked us in here, and you're the one who stopped me back in the server room.”
The server room, Luci thought. She had no recollection of it. When she didn't respond, Aaronson asked her, “You don't remember the server room do you, you haven't reconsolidated that memory yet have you?” Luci shook her head no.
Lucy knew that Aaronson was trying to sabotage the C-1011 program by deleting the data and destroying all of the chemicals in the storage tanks. However, based on the memory from the Cooler, it seemed clear that Aaronson had not been successful in destroying the chemical in the Cooler. It also seemed as though he have been foiled in the server room, but how? She couldn't recall. Aaronson was still fighting though, she could sense it. What was he still after, she wondered.
By that point Owen and William had walked over and were inspecting the growing crack. Suddenly without warning, Owen had a flashback. He was being escorted into an interrogation room after his clinical trial the previous week.
A guard was holding him up. Owen was weak and could barely stand on his own. Behind him he could hear the shuffle of two others. Once in the interrogation room he was sat down on a chair and a young man was assisted into a chair next to him by another guard. The two guards left Owen and the young man alone in the interrogation room.
Owen looked at the young man beside him, his leg was positioned at an odd angle which looked very uncomfortable. The young man appeared to be feeling woozy too. “Who are you”, Owen asked the young man, “how did we get here?”
“My name is Jackson”, the young man replied, “I'm here on the loan.” Then the memory faded and Owen was back in the drug lab, Jackson's words ‘on loan’ still echoing in his ear.
The flashback had him caught on off guard, but then again, he remembered his first experience with C-1011 and what that memory reconsolidation process had been like. In the hours after the interrogation room following the clinical trial, Owen recalled his brain feeling like it was bouncing to and fro, making connections, and remapping itself thru a series of seemingly unconnected and random memories in an attempt to make sense of his temporary amnesia.
“What did Jackson mean when he said he was on loan?” Owen blurted out. To everyone, the question was completely out of context, but Aaronson had obviously been through enough clinical trial debriefings to recognize the signs of memory reconsolidation. He answered Owen without batting an eye.
Aaronson explained that by the time Jackson had finished his clinical trial with Owen, that he had been with Spearhead for months and had conducted three previous C-1011 trials. Luci and Owen only knew fragments of Jackson's past, but the history that Aaronson proceeded to reveal was nothing new to William.
Jackson was a Marine. He had caught his leg in a lift on a Navy ship. The lift forced Jackson's leg back upon itself at the knee and nearly tore his leg off. There was not a square inch of Jackson's leg from his knee up to his groin that wasn't covered in scar tissue from the accident. Immediately after the accident, Jackson was operated on by Navy surgeons onboard the ship.
During the operation the surgeons discovered that Jackson had an extremely high pain tolerance and an even higher resistance to anesthetics. At first they considered amputation, but Jackson's tolerance of pain and fighting spirit convinced them to leave the limb attached. Jackson was then turned over to another team of surgeons who were given high level clearance to perform experimental reconstructive surgery on his leg in an attempt to restore functionality.
Jackson went through countless surgeries and months of excruciating rehabilitation. In the end, the best the surgeons could do was to give him limited mobility, which in and of itself, was an incredible accomplishment given the severity of his injury. Jackson's mobility was not without consequence though, he was in an incredible amount of pain 24 hours a day which required a considerable regimen of pain medications.
As Interesting as Jackson's history was, it still didn't help to explain why Luci, Owen, and William had been working together with Jackson against Dr. Aaronson just a few hours ago. The question was still nagging at Luci, so she asked the doctor, “Why were we working with Jackson?”
Aaronson explained that he didn't know why the three of them were working with Jackson, but he did know why Jackson was working against him. Aaronson said that he had seriously misjudged Jackson's character, causing him to turn on him, just before he began his sabotage of the program. Aaronson and Jackson had grown close over the past few months as the result of them working closely together. Aaronson had come to pity Jackson and the debilitating pain that he endured every single day. Both men wanted the C-1011 program ended, but as it turned out, the manner in which Dr. Aaronson proposed to terminate the program did not go over well with Jackson.
Before sabotaging the program, Aaronson confided in Jackson and explained what he was going to do. Aaronson also offered Jackson a way out, by way of ending his life. Aaronson figured, that with the end of the program, Jackson would likely be shuffled off to some other experimental program. Death would be a gift. That was Aronson's mistake, he misunderstood Jackson and the indomitability of youth entirely. Despite Jackson suffering he did not want to die, he still held on to hope that there was a way for him to be free of his pain. Furthermore, Jackson still had faith in the system and his government. He was still a soldier and he couldn't turn on his government and the system in which he still had faith in.
Jackson fled from Aaronson before he could stop him. Aaronson expected that to be the end of it, but Jackson doggedly resisted and found a way to foil his plot every step of the way.
At that point, William interjected, “Why do you hate this program so badly doctor? Can't you see that what we're doing here has the potential to benefit our soldiers in innumerable ways?”
Before Aaronson could respond, Luci jumped in saying, “PTSD is real and it destroys people's lives, C-1011 has the potential to eradicate PTSD. As a doctor isn't that a good thing?”
Aaronson seemed shocked by their questions, and responded saying, “Don't you see what we do here? We kill people. This program specifically assists in the killing of people.”
Aaronson's response made William hot. William launched into a diatribe about the importance of our military and its responsibilities to protect our nation. He called Aaronson naive for working on a military research project and being surprised that there could be deadly potential involved.
Aronson's rebuttal was simple. “A hangover is a symptom of drinking. PTSD is a symptom of killing. The intended consequence of such symptoms is to prevent the action from being repeated. By removing the symptom there becomes no downside to the action. No hangover and you can drink all you like. No PTSD, killing becomes easy. How doesn't that frighten you?” he asked.
Just then the floor audibly cracked beneath their feet, Luci used the distraction to step in. William was visibly angry and Luci knew where this was headed. Luci reminded William that getting out of the drug lab was more important than the argument they were having. William backed down and everyone turned their attention back towards circumventing the lockdown.
Luci returned to the door and doubled down on her efforts to bypass the lock. Even as she worked, Luci was still nagged by questions. She wondered, what she going to do when she got the door open, and perhaps more importantly, what was Aaronson go to do. The question was a distraction and she couldn't focus. She asked the doctor as she worked, “What happens when we get the door open doctor?”
Without hesitation Aaronson responded saying, “I’ll continue to do what I set out to do. I'm going to end this program.” Aaronson's response set William off again. William reminded Aaronson what our country does to traitors. Aaronson calmly explained that he had no intentions of living through this ordeal anyways. “I was resigned to die before I started this,” he stated without emotion.
Just then, Luci made a breakthrough, she discovered a security prompt. It required a password to unlock the doors and there was even a hint. The hint read: ‘Tell her I love her.’
Luci excitedly typed in her wife's name. Charlee. A red error code indicated that the password was invalid. Before she had a second to think of another password everything fogged over in her brain and she was transported from the drug lab back into a memory.
Luci was just stepping up to the security terminal inside the main terminal booth within the Spearhead server room. Owen, William, and Jackson were all crammed into the small booth with her. With a sense of urgency, she logged in and immediately found the files on C-1011.
There was a large bar across the top of the screen that was mostly green. The left side of the green bar was slowly turning red. Percentages listed on the bar indicated 95% green, 5% red.
“Someone is already here, they're already deleting files,” she said in a panicked voice. As she said that, another percentage went from green to red, there was no time to lose.
Luci needed to stay in the terminal booth and try to stop the data loss. There were 8 large racks in the server room, Luci was able to identify that there was an active breach on Rack 7. William and Owen formulated a plan to infiltrate the server room and physically locate the hacker and stop them as Luci worked digitally.
Jackson offered to assist, but William and Owen saw him as a liability and told him to stay put with Luci. Then William and Owen set off into the server room. Both men were unarmed as they made their way into the racks. Lighting was dim and the server fans within the racks were loud. Most of the light in the space came from the blinking lights on the server racks which spanned floor-to-ceiling, in long rows, across the length of the room.
They had come into the server room on the east end. In front of them was Rack 1. They split up on opposite ends of the racks and moved in unison down towards Rack 7.
Luci had no way to know who had logged in at Rack 7 but she could kick them off their session and lock them out of that terminal. She did just that. Then she began to set a trap in hopes that they would log in again at a different terminal. Her plan worked, another login occurred moments later on Rack 8.
The credentials indicated that it was Dr. Aaronson. Once she knew that it was Dr. Aaronson she was able to revoke his administrative privileges through the system and lock him out of the terminals for good.
Owen and William arrived at Rack 7, near the west end of the room, but found nobody there. They proceeded on and peered around the corner of the last rack and saw three people standing together about midway down the row. Two were armed guards, the other was Dr. Aaronson. He was standing at a terminal.
Owen and William were still on opposite ends of the racks. Using hand signals, the two agreed upon a pincer maneuver. Although they were unarmed, they had the element of surprise. Owen and William made their move. Almost immediately William drew the two guard’s attention, but he was quick. Using the tight space between the racks to his advantage, William engaged both guards and stalled them from drawing their firearms.
Dr. Aaronson abandoned the terminal, slipped through the melee, and exited the racks out the opposite end from where Owen was making his approach. Owen came in hard behind the unsuspecting guards. With a kick to the back of the knee, Owen was able to subdue and knock out one guard instantly. Then Owen joined the fray between William and the remaining guard.
Despite being outnumbered, the remaining guard slipped loose and drew his weapon. Owen and William threw up their arms in surrender and gave the guard space. Meanwhile, Aaronson was yelling something from the end of the rack but the server fans muffled his shouts.
Owen and William retreated back slowly. The guard, with his gun still fixed on the two, stepped back towards Aaronson to hear what he was saying.
Aaronson was telling him to shoot the server racks, saying he was locked out, and that he couldn't delete the data. “Destroy it,” he commanded, “destroy it all.”
Following his orders, the guard pointed his gun away from Owen and William and put a bullet into server Rack 8. As soon as the bullet hit the rack, thermite inside the rack ignited and the rack burst into flames, roasting the drives. Before long, flames rose up out of the rack and set off the fire suppression system.
After the first shot rang out, Owen and William turned and ran away from the armed guard and made their way back towards Luci and Jackson at the east end of the room. Argonite gas spewed overhead from the fire suppression system filling the dimly lit server room with a thick haze which covered their retreat.
Back at her terminal, Luci watched in horror as a huge chunk of the green line went red all at once. Rack 8 was completely obliterated along with all the data on it. Seconds later, Rack 7 went down too.
Luci quickly realized that there was little she could do to prevent the data from being destroyed. She changed tactics. Just as the Aaronson was able to delete files from his terminal, she could move files from her terminal. She pulled a flash drive from her pocket and gave it to Jackson. She told him to get out into the server room and plug into the nearest rack. She planned to pull files off the server to the flash drive before all the data was lost.
Jackson and Luci picked a channel on their earpieces to communicate and then Jackson scrambled out into the smoke filled server room. He plugged into the nearest terminal on the end of Rack 1. As soon as he was plugged in Luci began pulling files to the drive as fast as she could.
Owen and William made it back to Luci quickly. By that point racks 8, 7, and 6 were all down. The guard was methodically making his way down the racks putting bullets into the drives. He paused to reload at Rack 5 and noticed Jackson down the way at Rack 1. The guard slid a fresh magazine into his pistol and then made his way down towards Jackson skipping Racks 5 through 2.
Jackson saw the guard coming and pulled his flash drive. Then he slipped in between the racks, determined to head west and plug-in once again. In the haze, the guard lost track of Jackson. Instead of pursuing him, the guard began destroying the racks again this time starting with Rack 1.
The guard fired a shot into Rack 1 and it lit on fire like the rest. Another large chunk of data went red on Luci's monitor. As the rack burned the guard happened to look over at the terminal booth on the east wall where he spotted Luci, Owen, and William all huddled together. He made eye contact with Luci and the two held each other's gaze for a long moment. Her heart sunk, fearing he would come for them, but then the guard turned and headed back west towards Rack 2 to continue his destruction.
In cat-and-mouse fashion, Jackson hopped from terminal to terminal until they were all destroyed. Each time Luci moved has many files as she could to the flash drive before the rack went offline. Once all of the racks were down Owen, William, and Luci waited nervously for Jackson to return to the booth or answer Luci on her earpiece. There was no sign of Jackson.
The room was completely filled with argonite gas and the fires were beginning to be snuffed out from a lack of oxygen when Jackson finally spoke over Luci's earpiece. He had exited out the west end, fire had blocked his route back to them. He told them to get out of there. He told them they would meet up elsewhere.
Better gaming through discussion
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Sunday, February 4, 2018
03 - Spearhead
Luci, Owen, and William woke back up in the drug lab. They were in their phlebotomy chairs staring up at brilliantly white lights in brilliantly white ceiling tiles. Their minds felt foggy, they were still dealing with the reconsolidation of their memories.
Dr. Aaronson was talking to them asking, “What do you see, what do you see now?” They realized that during memory reconsolidation they must be speaking out loud or saying what they're experiencing; for all they knew they may even be responding to prompts from Aaronson subconsciously.
All three immediately wanted to get up out of their chairs. Aaronson cautioned them to take it easy, but they got up anyways. Once on their feet, Owen went and retrieved his gun and Luci retrieved her earpiece. Owen checked the clip, it was still full. Luci checked the earpiece for chatter, it was silent.
They had questions still about what they had experienced, about the Cooler, C-1011, and who they were with down in the Cooler. Before Aaronson offered any answers he urged Owen to provide an answer himself. Aaronson told Owen to focus intently in his mind on the figure that he had been following. It worked, suddenly Owen had a brief flashback.
He was lying on his back in the cleanroom. The cleansing mist had stopped and was just hanging in the air. Luci and William were passed out beside him. Owen was utterly exhausted. Just before the flashback ended, he heard a loud thud against the cleanroom door. Through the small window in the door, Owen saw Jackson's face. He had a horrified expression. Then he slid down out of sight still trapped inside the Cooler.
Owen told the doctor that it was Jackson who is in the Cooler with them, and that it looked like he didn't get out. Aaronson was pleased with Owen and praised him saying, “Good you can remember.”
There were so many mysteries still though and they wanted answers. So, Aaronson offered up his explanation of what had happened. He explained that he already knew that Jackson was down in the Cooler because Aaronson too had been there. He revealed that it was him who they were after down there. Aaronson admitted to opening the pressure reduction valve and flooding the Cooler with the chemical. He explained he was trying to destroy the C-1011 in the tanks.
Aaronson went on to tell them how it was him who said off the initial lockdown of the facility as well. The lockdown went into effect when he began erasing and overwriting files in the server room. Aaronson had destroyed all of the research files pertaining to C-1011 on the company’s server. It was his ultimate goal to eradicate C-1011 in its entirely, not just the data, but also all physical traces of it as well.
Aaronson explained that after several attempts on his part to shutdown the program he was denied and forced to continue on with the research. He continued, but he had seized to believe that there could be any good that would come of this project after seeing the effects that it was having on the subjects that they were testing. He was a doctor first and foremost before he was a government employee, and he was sworn to protect life. The program was wrong and harmful and an affront to everything he stood for. He couldn't live with it anymore so he took it upon himself to end it.
Upon learning that Aaronson had been the saboteur all along William became infuriated. William called him a traitor for turning on the company and also on his country. He asked him, “What right did you have to decide what was best?” The program was personal to William. “How dare you attack us and destroy our work,” he yelled at Aaronson. William defended the program and its goals citing the benefits of C-1011, such as its ability to eliminate PTSD and allow soldiers to better integrate back into society and be free from the scars of war. If William had had more energy, he likely would have attacked Aaronson right then and there, but he didn't have the energy, not yet.
Aaronson waited for William to settle down and then continued. He explained that he was not successful in destroying the C-1011 down in the Cooler. Jackson had interfered and prevented him from finishing his task. Then he was forced to flee before he was consumed, as they had been, by the chemical.
For some reason Jackson, Luci, William, and Owen were all working together to stop Aaronson. But they none of them could remember any of it, nor could they remember why.
For the past three hours Aaronson had been stuck down in the drug lab due to the lockdown. He explained that the current lockdown was not something that he had triggered himself, prior to entering the Cooler he had been able to move about the facility freely. The only person who could have triggered such a complete and full lockdown of the facility was Luci.
Aaronson could see that their heads were spinning with the information and that it would take some time for them to process it, so, he took the opportunity to show them something else in the room. He walked them over to one of the lab stations and pointed down on the ground. They looked down and saw a long snaking crack in the concrete floor. Aaronson explained that that crack had been growing over the past few hours.
The Cooler was directly below the drug lab. The Cooler was still being pressurized and the pressure had nowhere to go. The floor was beginning to buckle under the stress. If the floor gave way the drug lab would be flooded with C-1011. Aaronson had been waiting and hoping for them to wake up, hoping they could break the lockdown. They all needed to get out of that room.
The time for questions had passed and the three sprung into action scouring the room for a way out. None was able to find a way out. Their only option was to unlock the doors that led back to the rest of the facility. Luci borrowed Aaronson's tablet again and began to assess what it was going to take to bypass the lockdown that she herself apparently had put into effect.
If only the camera footage during the event were accessible to her through the network, she thought, then she could pull it up on Aaronson's tablet and understand what the parameters of the lockdown were and bypass them. However, Spearhead lockdown protocol was such that the camera feeds were cut from the network and routed behind a firewall on a separate server to prevent would-be attackers from using the camera system to their advantage in the event of an attack. The feeds were still active, but she would be have to physically be at a security terminal to bypass the firewall and access the camera log. First things first, open the door the hard way. Then, get to a security terminal.
Try as she may, Luci could not get the doors open quickly. Aaronson could sense the frustration growing in the room and said, “It's no use getting worked up over. We have some time. The floor hasn't shown signs that it is going to collapse right this moment. The best thing to do right now is to reconsolidate your memories so you'll know what needs to be done when we get out of here.”
Reluctantly the three agreed to cooperate with the man who seem to be more their enemy than their ally. Upon his suggestion they returned to their chairs and allowed the doctor to trigger another flashback.
Private Jackson was the trigger this time. Aaronson pulled up a photo from his dossier on the tablet and showed it to the three of them. Before they knew what had happened they were transported from the drug lab and back into a memory. They were moving down a corridor, their hearts were beating hard in their chests. Each had a sinking feeling in their stomach that they were being chased and that they mustn't be caught.
The corridor was long. Behind them on one end was an exit stair that they had come from. A ways away in front of them was another exit stair that they were trying to reach. There were strobe lights on the walls that were flashing indicating that a lockdown had been initiated.
Jackson's voice spoke in Luci’s ear through her earpiece, “I just got out of the server room, I got as much data as I could but I fear it's not nearly enough,” he paused breathing heavily. “Did you head him off yet?” he asked.
Luci replied saying, “No.” Jackson urged her to stay on him. Luci, Owen, and William were close to the east entrance lobby where there was a security checkpoint. The checkpoint had a security terminal, from which they would have access to the cameras. Using the cameras they could determine where their target was and where he was headed. Jackson agreed with the strategy and said that he too would make his way down there to meet up. Then they signed off.
As they made their way down the corridor a door in front of them opened and a guard stepped out into the corridor. Acting quickly, they ducked into a woman's bathroom and waited until the guard passed. Then they proceeded down the corridor and attempted to access the stairwell. Luci slid her access card over the card reader to unlock the door and the indicator light lit up red. Each of them in turn tried their cards but to no avail, their access privileges had been denied. Luci then tried to bypass the door while the other two made casual conversation to conceal her efforts in the event that someone else entered the corridor.
It wasn't long until another guard came out of a room and noticed them. He began walking quickly towards them. Owen and William maintained their cover, continued their conversation, and walked towards the approaching guard to head him off away from Luci.
As the guard neared William and Owen he cupped his hand up to his ear and said in a hushed tone, “I've got them. Send back up.” William and Owen knew they didn't have much time. As soon as they were close enough to the guard they attacked him. Owen snatched the guards gun as he drew it and William drove the guards face through a drywall wall.
As they were subduing the guard Luci began to shout, “I've got it, the door is open.” Without hesitation William knocked out the guard with a ruthless kick to the head. The guard was stripped of his key card and his gun. William and Owen began dragging the guard back towards the door where Luci was waiting but they were forced to leave the guard in the corridor after two more guards came out of the stairwell at the opposite end of the corridor.
The three went down the stairs and entered into the east entrance lobby. Luci rushed to the security checkpoint and used the stolen key card from the guard to open the door. Owen and William waited at the stair door to prevent the two new guards from getting through.
The lobby was a large two story space with glass walls on opposing ends. Outside, through the glass, they could see the parking lot on one side, and a picnic area on the other. There was only one way into the lobby besides the stairwell and that was through a corridor that dead-ended into the middle of the lobby.
As soon as Luci gained access to the checkpoint she ran to the terminal and put the entire east wing on lockdown. Owen and William could hear the bolt on the door to the stairwell click shut just as the two guards came barreling down the stairs and slammed into the door.
Before they could celebrate their temporary safety, William and Owen heard the heavy foot falls of more guards running down the corridor towards the east lobby. They tried the exterior doors but they were locked. The perimeter was impenetrable. The lockdown prevented anyone from leaving the building. There was nothing Luci or anyone could do to exit the facility. Their only escape routes were back up the stairwell they came from or the corridor where they would face the guards coming towards them. They shouted to Luci to hurry it up.
Luci rushed to restore her security credentials to the highest level on her card. As she was doing so, Jackson hailed her on her earpiece. He too had found that his access privileges have been removed and was not able to get down the stairs to meet them. Luci told him not to bother, as they were about to be boxed in themselves.
Jackson told her to use what little time she had to find Aaronson on the cameras and find out where he was headed. She bypassed the firewall and scanned the cameras. She found Aaronson careening down a corridor. She reported back over the earpiece to Jackson, “It looks like he's headed to the Cooler.”
“Lock him out,” he implored, but she was out of time, the guards were about to reach the lobby. The last thing she did before she left the security checkpoint was unlock a clear path for Jackson to the Cooler. Then she left the checkpoint and locked the door behind her.
Luci rejoined Owen and William in the lobby. By that point the men had formulated a plan to go back through the stairwell, deciding to face the two guards instead of an unknown number of guards coming down the corridor.
The guards trapped inside the stairwell were still attempting to pound down the door. Owen readied himself to pull the guards from the stairwell, William armed himself with a nearby stainless steel trash can, and Luci waited by the card reader for Owen’s signal.
They heard a guard prepare to slam himself against the door, Luci slid her card and the lock clicked open. Owen threw open the door and grabbed the guard as he stumbled towards the door that gave way before him. Owen threw the guard clear into the lobby where he tumbled to the floor. William followed up with the trash can, smashing it into the unsuspecting face of the second guard still within the stairwell.
The momentum of the blow carried William into the stairwell, trash can still in hand, where he landed in a pile with the guard he had attacked. Owen and Luci slipped inside the stairwell just as the guards arrived in the lobby from the corridor. They closed and locked the door behind them.
Owens subdued the solitary guard while William dusted himself off. The guard was relieved of his gun and it was given to Luci after William rejected it.
Even in his defeated state the guard was still defiant. The guard spoke, spitting blood, and called them all traitors. William mocked him and then threw his insult right back at him. The guard looked William square in the eyes. As the two men stared at one another William could see that something seemed off with the guard’s gaze.
With fury in his voice the guard told William, “It's do-nothings like you that let this program get out of control, you'll burn in hell for this.” Even as he hurled his insult, the guard seem distant, and William wondered what sort of indoctrination this man had been through.
Nevertheless, the guard had gone too far. Williams stooped down and grabbed the guard by his shirt and looked at his name badge. Bradley it read. “I know everyone in this compound Bradley. You have a family, I remember it from your dossier when you were hired,” William said. “This is my program,” he continued menacingly, “both you and your family are going to pay for your treason.”
Luci pleaded for them to keep moving, and for a moment, William seemed to back off. Then suddenly, with a savage kick to the back of the head, William knocked Bradley out. Then the three rushed back up the stairs.
Monday, January 15, 2018
02 - Spearhead
William, Luci, and Owen came to in a stark white room. Their heads were swimming and they had no idea where they were. They were seated in phlebotomy chairs, each of them were connected to IV bags. Groggily they looked around. The room was a drug lab and there was only one other person in the room with them. The man was in a technician’s chair, and when he saw them starting to stir, he wheeled himself over. The man had a small goatee and shoulder length hair, he wore a lab coat and looked to be about 40 years old. His name was Dr. Aaronson.
Dr. Aaronson was beside himself with happiness that the three were still alive. He told them that he fully expected them to be vegetables because of the high dosage of C-1011 they had been exposed to. Not even the lab rats have ever been exposed to that much of the chemical so he had feared for the worst. According to the doctor they had been unconscious for almost three and a half hours.
William, Luci, and Owen couldn’t remember anything from the last few hours, there was no recollection of anything out of the ordinary, but somehow, something had gone terrible wrong for them to be here without any memory of what had happened. They were full of questions even though their heads were still swimming. They rattled off their questions each talking over the others. Where are they? What happened? Why are they connected to these IV bags? And, in Owen’s case, who were William and Luci?
Aaronson tried to soothe them and urged them to take it slow. He tried to explain; the facility was in lockdown and the Aaronson had personally pulled the three of them from the cleanroom just outside the Cooler, which was nickname given to the underground chemical storage vault. Aaronson had pulled them out after they were exposed to the chemical. Beyond that, Aaronson couldn't answer too many other questions.
He explained that there had been some sort of sabotage that put the entire compound into lockdown and that all of the data concerning his research on C-1011 had been wiped from the servers. There was no internet, no cell signals, and no way to make contact with the outside. All the doors inside the compound were locked, no one had been able to get in or leave. As a result, it has been difficult for him to get around or communicate so he didn't fully understand the extent of damage that had been done.
Luci attempted to investigate the situation from surveillance video and records within the security system via Aaronson's tablet, but she search turned up little useful information. When the facility went into lockdown everything on the security system went black. Based on footage before the lockdown there had been nothing out of the ordinary happening with Luci or William’s schedules. Likewise, Owen had been back for his post-op memory testing and the feed cut out in the middle of his tests. There was no way to tell what had happened in the black besides first hand personal experience.
Aaronson explained that he believed that the three of them had intimate knowledge of what had happened, but due to their exposure to C-1011, they could not recall what had happened. He said that the only way that they could learn what had happened to them was to reconsolidate their memories just like the clinical tests that Owen had just recently been through.
The three were quite distressed. William and Luci had never experienced anything like this before, but Owen had, and the memory of his clinical test was still fresh in his mind. Dr. Aaronson and Owen explained how the clinical tests were conducted and how patients experienced memory loss while taking C-1011 and had reconsolidate their memories afterwards. In Owen’s case, his memory had came back quickly, or so he had thought. As Owen recounted his memory of his operation to Luci and William the doctor stopped him. Owen had believed he had traveled to Mexico and rescued two Spearhead operatives, but Aaronson revealed that that was not entirely true.
The purpose of Owen’s clinical trial was actually to determine if memory reconsolidation was corruptible. During the operation, Owen was never under the impression that he was in Mexico or that there were actual hostages; he knew it was an exercise. However, C-1011 erases the subject’s short term memory. After the operation he forgot all of what had happened. During debriefing, Owen he was given a falsified account of the action. Then Aaronson checked back up on him during memory reconsolidation to see if his mind could determine what had truly taken place. In the end, Owen couldn’t decipher between fact and fiction. During reconsolidation, his mind filled in the blanks using the false info from debriefing and accepted that as the truth.
William, Luci, and most especially Owen, were shocked to learn the effects of C-1011. They were facing the prospect of reconsolidating their own recent memories and now they couldn’t be sure of the integrity of the process.
Aaronson explained that memory reconsolidation began by using memory triggers to stimulate the brain and try to wake up the misplaced memories. The three wanted to know what happened right when the lockdown happened, but Aaronson had nothing to work with in terms of a common memory trigger between the three of them before the lockdown. According to the security footage they weren’t together when the lockdown went into effect. The only thing Aaronson was confident that they had in common was that they had all been in the cleanroom outside the Cooler because that was where he found them. Therefore, Aaronson determined to start with that memory.
Before he triggered their memories Dr. Aaronson gave them all a beta blocker. He explained that the beta blocker would help dampened down the traumatic aspect of the memory and allow them to recall it more clearly without causing additional stress on their already taxed brains. Aaronson told them it was perfectly safe. He even gave himself a shot of the beta blocker first, telling them that it was helping him to deal with the anxiety too.
The trigger the doctor choose was a training video for standard cleanroom procedure. As the three watched the video their brains began to latch onto shared remembrances of their predicament, and just like that, they were back in the cleanroom, reliving their memory it as if it was happening again.
They were in their same clothes that they wore presently in the drug lab. Owen was the only one armed, Luci had an ear piece comm. They were entering into the Cooler with a sense of urgency.
A voice on the ear piece made a brief transmission saying, “He's headed for the pressure reduction valve, stay quiet”. She recognized the voice on the ear piece as friendly.
The three proceeded into the space which was expansive. The ceiling was about 30 feet high and the entire space was filled with large white pill shaped storage tanks. The tanks stood on short stilts and were about 10 feet in diameter and 20 feet tall. The tanks formed long rows that extended the full length and width of the immense space. The tanks were all piped in sequence with one another and pipes criss-crossed the rows high up near the ceiling.
The space was dimly lit and visibility was less than 50 feet. The Cooler was rectangular in shape and they entered into it on its short side. The rows of tanks dominated the space but they could see the side walls; the back wall however was buried in darkness.
Before long they heard the clink and rattling of a chain somewhere near the back of the Cooler. Cautiously they proceeded down the rows in the room until a figure darted across one of the rows about 30 feet in front of them. The three split up, Luci and William going to investigate where the individual had darted across from, and Owen with the gun, giving chase to the individual who darted across their path.
When William and Luci arrived at the place where the figure had darted from they found that the spot had a good vantage over a gate leading to a chain link cage along the back wall of the room. The gate was open, and a chain hung limp with a cut lock.
Owen quietly stalked the figure for a couple rows. The figure lead him laterally across the room until he stopped and cupped his hand up by his ear piece. Owen crept closer in an attempt to hear what was being said but all he could hear was the end of the transmission, “I'm going after him.”
Luci and William where passing through the chain link gate at the back of the room when the ear piece squawked again, “The valve is already open, I’m close to him though. I’m going after him.”
From within the chain link cage William and Luci traced the tangled network of pipes towards the center of the wall, all the while noticing a hissing noise that was growing louder and louder. At the center of the tangle of pipes was a bunch of unions and valves all which were hissing angrily. They had no more than a few seconds to stare in wonder at the hissing pipes before yellow warning indicator lights began to light up, one by one, over the dozen or so valves in front of them. They were too late, the system was over-pressurized and becoming unstable. Just then, a burst of gunfire rang out not far from them and the two of them decided to get out of the cage.
Meanwhile, Owen watched as the shadowed figure broke from his hiding spot and gave chase after the unseen saboteur. Owen quickly and cautiously kept pace with their shadowed friend. Their friend wasted little time pulling a pistol and firing at his enemy. Three shots were fired from a pistol, then silence for a second or two, finally a single loud shot rang out. Owen took cover.
William and Luci had already begun their escape, they were running back towards the gate when the ear piece spoke again. Their friend said that he was hit but that “he was okay,” he told them to get out of there.
The hissing sound seem to be following Luci and William as they ran from the chain link cage and back down the rows towards the cleanroom. William was out in front until a tank next to him made a strange noise.
The tanks around William were being ripped open by the mounting pressure. As they were overloaded they burst and sent rivets flying. At first William thought he was being shot, but he soon realized that the sound was in fact the sound of rivets blowing out and ricocheting around the room. Just then, a tank right in front of him blew out and spewed C-1011 directly into William’s unsuspecting face.
The smell of the chemical was sweet, like vanilla extract, but the taste was bitter. The shock of the blast sent him reeling back and tumbling to the floor. The tank continue to gush the chemical and when Luci arrived she saw William flailing on the ground covered in a cloud of the sickly sweet smelling chemical.
She selflessly drove into the cloud and wrestled William’s body free. Then the two got to their feet and continued their way towards the cleanroom as more tanks burst and saturated the air in the Cooler with the chemical.
Sensing the danger from the gun fire and the destabilizing tanks, Owen abandoned his pursuit of the shadowed figure. To be safe, Owen put some distance between himself and the gunshots and then made his way back to the cleanroom. The tanks near him were beginning to rupture as well and he recognized the smell of the C-1011 filling the room.
As William and Luci were about halfway back to the cleanroom the ear piece came alive one last time. “I'm hit but I'm okay, there's a switch for a large exhaust vent near me... I'm going to get to it, you need to get out of here... just get out!” That was the last that they heard from him.
Owen was the first one back to the cleanroom, by then the air in the Cooler was thick with the chemical. Wasting no time he engaged the sanitation cycle on a keypad next to the door. The cleanroom doors opened and a timer begin counting down. Owen nervously waited and hoped for his companions to appear in time.
With just seconds left on the timer William and Luci rounded the corner of the last storage tank and were sprinted towards the door. Owen did his best to hold back the doors but they were too strong. William crashed into Owen forcing the both of them into the clean room and tumbling to the floor. Luci slipped her body through the closing doors but her leg caught just as the doors shut. She twisted her ankle at an unnatural angle and pulled her foot through the vice of the door. Panting on the floor, she popped her ankle back into place. Then the sanitation system above spewed its cleansing shower over them and they passed out.
Dr. Aaronson was beside himself with happiness that the three were still alive. He told them that he fully expected them to be vegetables because of the high dosage of C-1011 they had been exposed to. Not even the lab rats have ever been exposed to that much of the chemical so he had feared for the worst. According to the doctor they had been unconscious for almost three and a half hours.
William, Luci, and Owen couldn’t remember anything from the last few hours, there was no recollection of anything out of the ordinary, but somehow, something had gone terrible wrong for them to be here without any memory of what had happened. They were full of questions even though their heads were still swimming. They rattled off their questions each talking over the others. Where are they? What happened? Why are they connected to these IV bags? And, in Owen’s case, who were William and Luci?
Aaronson tried to soothe them and urged them to take it slow. He tried to explain; the facility was in lockdown and the Aaronson had personally pulled the three of them from the cleanroom just outside the Cooler, which was nickname given to the underground chemical storage vault. Aaronson had pulled them out after they were exposed to the chemical. Beyond that, Aaronson couldn't answer too many other questions.
He explained that there had been some sort of sabotage that put the entire compound into lockdown and that all of the data concerning his research on C-1011 had been wiped from the servers. There was no internet, no cell signals, and no way to make contact with the outside. All the doors inside the compound were locked, no one had been able to get in or leave. As a result, it has been difficult for him to get around or communicate so he didn't fully understand the extent of damage that had been done.
Luci attempted to investigate the situation from surveillance video and records within the security system via Aaronson's tablet, but she search turned up little useful information. When the facility went into lockdown everything on the security system went black. Based on footage before the lockdown there had been nothing out of the ordinary happening with Luci or William’s schedules. Likewise, Owen had been back for his post-op memory testing and the feed cut out in the middle of his tests. There was no way to tell what had happened in the black besides first hand personal experience.
Aaronson explained that he believed that the three of them had intimate knowledge of what had happened, but due to their exposure to C-1011, they could not recall what had happened. He said that the only way that they could learn what had happened to them was to reconsolidate their memories just like the clinical tests that Owen had just recently been through.
The three were quite distressed. William and Luci had never experienced anything like this before, but Owen had, and the memory of his clinical test was still fresh in his mind. Dr. Aaronson and Owen explained how the clinical tests were conducted and how patients experienced memory loss while taking C-1011 and had reconsolidate their memories afterwards. In Owen’s case, his memory had came back quickly, or so he had thought. As Owen recounted his memory of his operation to Luci and William the doctor stopped him. Owen had believed he had traveled to Mexico and rescued two Spearhead operatives, but Aaronson revealed that that was not entirely true.
The purpose of Owen’s clinical trial was actually to determine if memory reconsolidation was corruptible. During the operation, Owen was never under the impression that he was in Mexico or that there were actual hostages; he knew it was an exercise. However, C-1011 erases the subject’s short term memory. After the operation he forgot all of what had happened. During debriefing, Owen he was given a falsified account of the action. Then Aaronson checked back up on him during memory reconsolidation to see if his mind could determine what had truly taken place. In the end, Owen couldn’t decipher between fact and fiction. During reconsolidation, his mind filled in the blanks using the false info from debriefing and accepted that as the truth.
William, Luci, and most especially Owen, were shocked to learn the effects of C-1011. They were facing the prospect of reconsolidating their own recent memories and now they couldn’t be sure of the integrity of the process.
Aaronson explained that memory reconsolidation began by using memory triggers to stimulate the brain and try to wake up the misplaced memories. The three wanted to know what happened right when the lockdown happened, but Aaronson had nothing to work with in terms of a common memory trigger between the three of them before the lockdown. According to the security footage they weren’t together when the lockdown went into effect. The only thing Aaronson was confident that they had in common was that they had all been in the cleanroom outside the Cooler because that was where he found them. Therefore, Aaronson determined to start with that memory.
Before he triggered their memories Dr. Aaronson gave them all a beta blocker. He explained that the beta blocker would help dampened down the traumatic aspect of the memory and allow them to recall it more clearly without causing additional stress on their already taxed brains. Aaronson told them it was perfectly safe. He even gave himself a shot of the beta blocker first, telling them that it was helping him to deal with the anxiety too.
The trigger the doctor choose was a training video for standard cleanroom procedure. As the three watched the video their brains began to latch onto shared remembrances of their predicament, and just like that, they were back in the cleanroom, reliving their memory it as if it was happening again.
They were in their same clothes that they wore presently in the drug lab. Owen was the only one armed, Luci had an ear piece comm. They were entering into the Cooler with a sense of urgency.
A voice on the ear piece made a brief transmission saying, “He's headed for the pressure reduction valve, stay quiet”. She recognized the voice on the ear piece as friendly.
The three proceeded into the space which was expansive. The ceiling was about 30 feet high and the entire space was filled with large white pill shaped storage tanks. The tanks stood on short stilts and were about 10 feet in diameter and 20 feet tall. The tanks formed long rows that extended the full length and width of the immense space. The tanks were all piped in sequence with one another and pipes criss-crossed the rows high up near the ceiling.
The space was dimly lit and visibility was less than 50 feet. The Cooler was rectangular in shape and they entered into it on its short side. The rows of tanks dominated the space but they could see the side walls; the back wall however was buried in darkness.
Before long they heard the clink and rattling of a chain somewhere near the back of the Cooler. Cautiously they proceeded down the rows in the room until a figure darted across one of the rows about 30 feet in front of them. The three split up, Luci and William going to investigate where the individual had darted across from, and Owen with the gun, giving chase to the individual who darted across their path.
When William and Luci arrived at the place where the figure had darted from they found that the spot had a good vantage over a gate leading to a chain link cage along the back wall of the room. The gate was open, and a chain hung limp with a cut lock.
Owen quietly stalked the figure for a couple rows. The figure lead him laterally across the room until he stopped and cupped his hand up by his ear piece. Owen crept closer in an attempt to hear what was being said but all he could hear was the end of the transmission, “I'm going after him.”
Luci and William where passing through the chain link gate at the back of the room when the ear piece squawked again, “The valve is already open, I’m close to him though. I’m going after him.”
From within the chain link cage William and Luci traced the tangled network of pipes towards the center of the wall, all the while noticing a hissing noise that was growing louder and louder. At the center of the tangle of pipes was a bunch of unions and valves all which were hissing angrily. They had no more than a few seconds to stare in wonder at the hissing pipes before yellow warning indicator lights began to light up, one by one, over the dozen or so valves in front of them. They were too late, the system was over-pressurized and becoming unstable. Just then, a burst of gunfire rang out not far from them and the two of them decided to get out of the cage.
Meanwhile, Owen watched as the shadowed figure broke from his hiding spot and gave chase after the unseen saboteur. Owen quickly and cautiously kept pace with their shadowed friend. Their friend wasted little time pulling a pistol and firing at his enemy. Three shots were fired from a pistol, then silence for a second or two, finally a single loud shot rang out. Owen took cover.
William and Luci had already begun their escape, they were running back towards the gate when the ear piece spoke again. Their friend said that he was hit but that “he was okay,” he told them to get out of there.
The hissing sound seem to be following Luci and William as they ran from the chain link cage and back down the rows towards the cleanroom. William was out in front until a tank next to him made a strange noise.
The tanks around William were being ripped open by the mounting pressure. As they were overloaded they burst and sent rivets flying. At first William thought he was being shot, but he soon realized that the sound was in fact the sound of rivets blowing out and ricocheting around the room. Just then, a tank right in front of him blew out and spewed C-1011 directly into William’s unsuspecting face.
The smell of the chemical was sweet, like vanilla extract, but the taste was bitter. The shock of the blast sent him reeling back and tumbling to the floor. The tank continue to gush the chemical and when Luci arrived she saw William flailing on the ground covered in a cloud of the sickly sweet smelling chemical.
She selflessly drove into the cloud and wrestled William’s body free. Then the two got to their feet and continued their way towards the cleanroom as more tanks burst and saturated the air in the Cooler with the chemical.
Sensing the danger from the gun fire and the destabilizing tanks, Owen abandoned his pursuit of the shadowed figure. To be safe, Owen put some distance between himself and the gunshots and then made his way back to the cleanroom. The tanks near him were beginning to rupture as well and he recognized the smell of the C-1011 filling the room.
As William and Luci were about halfway back to the cleanroom the ear piece came alive one last time. “I'm hit but I'm okay, there's a switch for a large exhaust vent near me... I'm going to get to it, you need to get out of here... just get out!” That was the last that they heard from him.
Owen was the first one back to the cleanroom, by then the air in the Cooler was thick with the chemical. Wasting no time he engaged the sanitation cycle on a keypad next to the door. The cleanroom doors opened and a timer begin counting down. Owen nervously waited and hoped for his companions to appear in time.
With just seconds left on the timer William and Luci rounded the corner of the last storage tank and were sprinted towards the door. Owen did his best to hold back the doors but they were too strong. William crashed into Owen forcing the both of them into the clean room and tumbling to the floor. Luci slipped her body through the closing doors but her leg caught just as the doors shut. She twisted her ankle at an unnatural angle and pulled her foot through the vice of the door. Panting on the floor, she popped her ankle back into place. Then the sanitation system above spewed its cleansing shower over them and they passed out.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
01 - Spearhead
C-1011 is the result of a neurochemical development contract between the United States Military and Spearhead. The chemical has recently been developed into an aerosol drug that is administered through an oral inhaler. C-1011 is currently in the midst of classified clinical testing.
C-1011 has been found to mentally dissociate a person's actions from their awareness of those actions. Not unlike hypnosis, C-1011 creates a mental state in which the individual becomes fully engrossed in what they are doing to the point that they do not have to think about what they are doing; instead they just do it. The current focus of the study is to assess the applicable uses of the drug as a combat enhancement.
Subject 17 - Owen Miller
Age - 45
Experience - Army (Retired)
Qualifier - Miller was blacklisted from the Army on account of being a whistleblower. Subject exhibits strong tendencies towards “right” and “wrong” and is not afraid to report illicit behavior.
Subject 18 - Kyle Jackson
Age - 19
Experience - Marine (Enlisted, Pvt.)
Qualifier - Severe leg injury from a getting caught in a lift. Underwent extensive surgery and physical therapy, during which the subject exhibited extremely high resistance to anesthetics.
Operation #8
Operation Coordinator - William Wright
Clinical Evaluation - Dr. Andrew Aaronson
Clinical Trial - C-1011
Enhancement - beta-adrenoceptor
Participants - Owen Miller, Kyle Jackson
Location - Spearhead (Mexico)
Objective - Rescue & extract
Result - Successful memory reconsolidation
Triggers - Imagery, Audio (augmented)
C-1011 is the result of a neurochemical development contract between the United States Military and Spearhead. The chemical has recently been developed into an aerosol drug that is administered through an oral inhaler. C-1011 is currently in the midst of classified clinical testing.
C-1011 has been found to mentally dissociate a person's actions from their awareness of those actions. Not unlike hypnosis, C-1011 creates a mental state in which the individual becomes fully engrossed in what they are doing to the point that they do not have to think about what they are doing; instead they just do it. The current focus of the study is to assess the applicable uses of the drug as a combat enhancement.
Subject 17 - Owen Miller
Age - 45
Experience - Army (Retired)
Qualifier - Miller was blacklisted from the Army on account of being a whistleblower. Subject exhibits strong tendencies towards “right” and “wrong” and is not afraid to report illicit behavior.
Subject 18 - Kyle Jackson
Age - 19
Experience - Marine (Enlisted, Pvt.)
Qualifier - Severe leg injury from a getting caught in a lift. Underwent extensive surgery and physical therapy, during which the subject exhibited extremely high resistance to anesthetics.
Operation #8
Operation Coordinator - William Wright
Clinical Evaluation - Dr. Andrew Aaronson
Clinical Trial - C-1011
Enhancement - beta-adrenoceptor
Participants - Owen Miller, Kyle Jackson
Location - Spearhead (Mexico)
Objective - Rescue & extract
Result - Successful memory reconsolidation
Triggers - Imagery, Audio (augmented)
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