Better gaming through discussion

Thursday, June 25, 2015

12 - The Last Day of Magic

July 1776

By the following morning, July 3rd, Lucy Knox, along with the majority of the wives and sweethearts of the Continental Army were gone.  New York boasted the third largest population in the colonies prior to the rebellion, somewhere around 20,000 residents but  most had fled and yet the city was still bursting at its seams.  Over half the residents had left but approximately 19,000 Continental soldiers had taken their place and more were coming into join the fight every day.  Across the bay on Staten Island were stationed another 20,000 British soldiers and German mercenaries and rumor had it that another 15,000 were expected to arrive any day.

Fisher, Rose, and Knox were having breakfast when Nathanael Greene arrived to deliver the morning report.  He reported that Washington's scouts had learned that General William Howe was not planning on launching an attack on the city until his brother, Admiral Richard Howe, arrived with the remaining 15,000 reinforcements and additional naval warships.  Admiral Howe was expected any day, but no one, including the British knew the exact date. The total British force was expected to number over 30,000 men with 30 war ships and 300 more additional supporting naval craft.  The numbers were staggering, in fact this expeditionary force was the largest ever deployed by the British in its history. The British plan seemed clear, squash the rebellion in one swift stroke.

Besides the bad news Greene also carried with him some good news in the form of letters.  Greene had mentioned that Charlotte was still in the city when he last had seen the city's quartermaster.  The quartermaster recognized the name and fetched a large crate filled with letters all addressed to Charlotte, every last one of them from Major Andre.  The letters dated back to March just before Charlotte left Boston to head to Canada.  The letters accumulated over the months, being undeliverable since Charlotte's whereabouts were unknown.  Greene had no specific orders for the magicians for the day so Charlotte excused herself and spent the rest of the day reading through each letter.

The following morning Greene again stopped by the Kennedy Mansion to deliver the morning report.  For Charlotte, again the news was good.  Washington had decided not to cancel the ball which had been planned for following evening, July 5th.  The news seemed odd considering that just across the bay stood an imposing British camp poised to strike at any moment. As if that wasn't enough to unsettle everyone in the city, there were several thousand Redcoats in plain sight marching and parading along the shores of Staten Island in a constant show of power and dominance over the Continentals.  The magicians and Knox all agreed that the circumstances didn't seem to call for a party but Washington's orders were clear, every officer was to attend the ball.

Knox arranged a carriage to the ball, the magicians traveled with him.  The event was held in a large estate outside of the city proper.  The turn out was good and Charlotte was surprised to see that there were in fact a fair share of women who were still in the city.  The three friends toured the home and made small chat with Knox's many acquaintances.  After an hour or so General Washington arrived.  The quartet of army players announced his entrance with fanfare.  Washington strode into the middle of the main hall and positioned himself to make an announcement.  All eyes were on the Commanding General.

At 6'-3", wearing a blue field coat and looking regal, Washington spoke in a loud and commanding voice.  He thanked everyone for their attendance and joked that his advisers warned him of a holding a party while the enemy was camped on the door step to the city.  Washington assured everyone that the British arrival was foreboding but there was still occasion to celebrate.  Without further ado Washington announced that on July 2nd the Continental Congress passed a resolution to declare independence from Britain.  By July 4th Congress completed revisions Thomas Jefferson's Declaration, which ultimately served as the final document.  Before officially opening the party, Washington told his officers that "it was his hope that this important event will serve as a fresh incentive, to act with courage knowing that the peace and safety of his country depends solely on the success of our arms."

The army was no longer fighting for rights as Englishmen, now they were fighting for freedom as citizens of a new nation of united and independent states. Spirits were high throughout the evening.  Washington, missing his usually dance partner Caty Greene, who left the city the same day Lucy Knox departed, asked Charlotte to honor him with a dance.  Charlotte and Washington, both accomplished dancers, hit it off and shared conversation and the dance floor several times throughout the evening.  Charlotte and Washington spoke of things both civil and military.  When Charlotte  asked what role she and Fisher might play in the coming battle for New York Washington replied that their roles would be much the same as his; as is the case when defending one must react to the attackers advances.  Fisher and Rose would be responsible for countering the machinations of the royal magicians under the command of the brothers Howe.

Charlotte danced the night away and Fisher spent his evening with Knox and Greene socializing with various officers of the army.  One officer took a particular interest in Fisher.  His name was John Glover, a fellow seaman and Colonel of the Marblehead Regiment from Massachusetts.  The Marblehead men where one of the most disciplined and skilled regiments in the whole Continental Army.  Their 800 men unit was made up of almost entirely fishermen who understood the chain of command and knew how to take orders from their time spent at sea.  They were so revered that Washington hand picked men from Glover's unit to act as his personal body guards.

The two men shared a love for the sea and sailing which made it easy for Glover to like and respect Fisher.  The two talked of business and magic briefly before Glover turned the conversation back to sailing.  He mentioned to Fisher that Washington had created a make shift Continental Navy from ships such as Glover's ship, Hannah, to be used as privateers.  These privateers were all privately owned ships which were officered by private individuals authorized for use in warfare specifically to capture British merchant and supply ships.  Glover urged Fisher to consider loaning his ship to the cause to act as part of the growing navy. According to Glover, the privateers had been largely successful thus far in capturing small British ships and disrupting supply lines.

The evening came to a close and the guests all returned to their homes and quarters.  By the next morning General Howe had received word of the party and the reason for its celebration.  The ball was a complete success just as Washington had planned.  The men's spirits were higher than ever and the newly declared independent Americans had put on a display of power of their own in the face of their British assailants.

A few days slipped by and still William Howe keep his soldiers at bay on Staten Island awaiting his brother's arrive.  In the meantime Washington had received a copy of The Declaration and set a plan into motion to have the soldiers of his army assemble in the parade grounds just outside the city to hear a reading of The Declaration.  At six o'clock in the evening on July 9th copies of The Declaration were handed out to officers and the words were read aloud to the groups of men, hundreds at a time, gathered there at the parade grounds.

The words stirred such emotions in the men that shortly after being dismissed a large mob formed of soldiers and civilians.  The mob wove its way down Broadway to Bowling Green, a park right in front of the Kennedy Mansion, where a lead statue of King George III on horseback stood. The mob of people pulled down the statue and sawed off the head of King George. The head was mounted on a spike outside a tavern and the lead body was melted down to make musket balls for use in the coming battle.

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