Better gaming through discussion

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Anachron - 06

Anachron Field Log: Sequence 3

A few miles outside of Wichita Kansas two MP were sitting in the passenger cab of an armored truck in the loading bay of a military prison.  They had been woken up in the middle of the night to handle a prisoner transfer.  The engine was running as General Hills approached the driver's side window and told them "make sure he gets there." The General walked back to the rear of the truck and slammed the two rear prisoner cab doors shut.

The two MP drove off into the night.  All was normal as they approached a large causeway bridge across a wide river.  The rear doors to the prisoner cab shut loudly as they approached the mid-point of the bridge.  The two MP stopped the vehicle and got out to investigate the noise and make sure the prisoner was still locked up.  30 or so feet back from the truck they found a cut pad lock.  The lock had to have been cut by someone from the prison facility before they left, there was no other explanation.

As they considered this, the doors to the back of the truck flew open and a man's voice called from the dark prisoner cab, "drop your weapons!" The driver spun around and fired a couple wild shots towards the voice.  He missed, and was promptly shot in the left for his lack of cooperation.  The other MP dropped his gun to the pavement.  The prisoner quickly ordered the cooperative MP to put handcuffs on the driver.  The cooperative MP put the cuffs loosely on the driver’s wrists.  Then the prisoner ordered the cooperative MP to put handcuffs on himself.  He did, and the prisoner ratcheted them on tight and tossed the key onto the dark ground.

The prisoner ordered the two handcuffed MP around the front of the truck.  As the MP were escorted around the truck and into the beam of the headlights, the two MP we able to see the face of their attacker.  It was Bradley Cane.

Cane drove the truck forward at a crawl and forced the two MP to walk in front of the truck as he sat in the passenger cab talking to someone on the radio.  The two MP could not hear what he was saying or who he was talking to over the growl of the engine. Recognizing their situation was only going to get worse, the two MP decided to take action while Cane was distracted.  The driver MP slipped his handcuffs off and both MP ran, one to each side of the truck, back down the road in an effort to find the handcuff key.

They found it quickly, but Cane was just as quick to turn the truck around; pulling a sloppy three-point turn and smashing one of his headlights on a guard rail.  He lined the two MP up in the remaining headlight and charged at them with the truck.  The cooperative MP fought back with the only weapon he had.  He threw his unlocked handcuff at the truck which broke the remaining light.  Nevertheless the truck kept coming and the driver MP narrowly escaped being crushed between the bumper of the truck and the guard rail of the bridge, but the cooperative MP was thrown from the bridge down into the water, where he eventually drowned.

Cane swung the truck around once more and the driver MP took cover as best he could behind a steel support and guard rail.  Cane revved the engine and launched the truck at the MP.  As the truck got up to speed Cane jumped out of the vehicle and the truck barreled towards the MP.  The truck struck the guard rail and the steel support, but kept going.  The MP was killed on impact, and the truck along with the MP's body fell into the water below.

In the debriefing room after the Anachron run:

The team recognized that at least one person helped Cane escape from prison.  The prime suspect is General Hills since he was the last person to shut the truck doors before the transport left. Also, there were no records of the transfer, but Hills definitely knew that a transfer was being made because he told the the driver "make sure he gets there."

During the run, Cane was not seen with the backpack that he later had in the cab and in the van.  He must have gotten it after he escaped. Also, Cane had been talking with somebody on the truck radio after he handcuffed the two MP.  The team needed to find out who he was talking to.

On the 14th floor of the IRS Building after the Anachron run: 

The Anachron Team presented their findings from the MP run.  Weiss was not as receptive this time around.  Weiss found it hard to believe what the Anachron Team had seen because, unlike the information they had presented before, there was no physical evidence to support their claims about how Cane escaped.

Weiss took particular offense when the Anachron Team accused General Hills of being involved in a conspiracy to free Cane and murder the President.  Weiss didn't want hear-say evidence brought forth by a rogue branch of the FBI to become the focus of the investigation.  The Anachron Team pressed the issue, and the discussion became an argument.  In the end Weiss suspended the Anachron Team's investigation due to unauthorized conduct.

In the debriefing room after the conference:

Whether the team was going to present their case to the American public or to Chief Weiss they had to have physical evidence to back up what they believed to be the truth. The team was created to dispel virtual truth and find actual truth, and they were making great progress, but if nobody believed them, the actual truth would never be accepted.  The team was determined to get their evidence, even if they had to go behind Weiss's back to get it. 

Jeremy Bell tried to access the surveillance video at the prison via the FBI network but the footage was protected and gave an error message that read: local network access only.  If the Anachron team wanted the footage as evidence they would need to go to Wichita and get it themselves from the server on the prison's local network.
Jeremy also uncovered some information from the FBI database on the assassination investigation.  The FBI recorded in their files that the van that Cane drove into the parking garage was the same van that contained the jamming device that broadcast the "ask not" message.  The fact that the van and Cane are connected is being treated as inconsequential to the investigation and has not received much attention.

Somebody arranged for the Cane to get the backpack and the van after he escaped.  Who was helping Cane, and where are they now?

1 comment:

  1. Next session you will be going to Wichita to physically get the video footage of General Hills loading up Cane into the truck. You will be infiltrating the military prison to some extent. I want you both to frame the entire sequence as we play.

    Last time I let you frame the fact that the truck would fall and crash off the bridge into the water. This time around I want you to frame how you plan to get in and out of the military prison. You can do anything you want, so long as it doesn't become a James Bond situation where you are sneaking over barbed wire fences and killing guards with silenced guns. You have to get in and out without compromising you ability to continue your investigation.

    The only other requirement is that you MUST get the information without anyone at the facility finding out (again, no killing or attacking guards). Things can get complicated, but you will need to stay out of trouble. Think ahead and use your wide array of skills.

    Before you leave for the prison you will have a chance to investigate the facility with Jeremy Bell's help. He can help plan your mission and give you insight, but you will need to form the plan yourselves. Think about it over the next few days.


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